Katie George and Jillian Bell

Katie George is multi-talented and has earned her place across a variety of industries. Due to her many abilities and skills she's one of those who are able to garner admiration and respect just by the mention of her name. Katie has a long history as cosplayer. Her attention to the smallest aspect allows her to design some of her most stunning and intricate costumes. As a result, Katie has won numerous awards to her efforts in cosplay. Katie isn't just a gifted cosplayer, but also an accomplished journalist and television presenter. She worked with some of the most reputable media outlets, which covered some of the most important news. Katie is also a well-known name for her participation in beauty contests around the globe. In 2015, Katie was named Miss Kentucky. This victory set her on the road to stardom. In 2015 she took home her place in the Miss USA contest and placed within the top eleven. She impressed the judges as well as the public by her grace and poise. Her popularity also was reflected by an award called the People's Choice Award. Katie is also an experienced sports anchor and reporter. Her current job is with The ACC Network. There, she shares her sports expertise with her audience.

Jillian Belle is an American actress comedian, writer and director. A 'Groundlings' alumna, she had begun to nurture her acting skills in her early years. Jillian was among the most popular comics in Hollywood. The path she took to fame began on TV before she made the move into film. She wrote her debut episode on Saturday Night Live. Her most well-known roles are Eastbound & Down and Workaholics. She's an experienced voice actor who has demonstrated her talents on High School USA! Gravity Falls, SuperMansion, and many other films. Jillian is also the voice actor in movies like The Angry Birds Movie or Charming. Jillian's impressive career is an indication of her ability. However, until the final day of her first semester at college, she was unaware of The Groundlings. That first Groundlings concert changed her life. She left college to join The Groundlings and pursued the art of making.

pics Katie George Feet and Legs pics Katie George Feet and Legs pics Katie George Feet and Legs pics Katie George Feet and Legs pics Jillian Bell Feet and Legs pics Jillian Bell Feet and Legs pics Jillian Bell Feet and Legs pics Jillian Bell Feet and Legs pics Jillian Bell Feet and Legs


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